The Baltimore Student Exchange (BSEP) Program allows qualified students at Goucher to take undergraduate courses offered at other participating colleges in the area. Below is a list of all BSEP schools.
Community College of Baltimore County
Maryland Institute College of Art
You can submit the BSEP form beginning on November 18, 2024. Submit BSEP registration form (PDF) to
Your advisor must sign the form, and if special permission is required, the host institution instructor. BSEP courses are not added through the Course Change form.
***Submitting two weeks from term start may not provide enough processing time for
required approvals and registration. This could result in a denial.
Please reach out to the host institution for all drops/withdrawals. If sending an email request to the host institution, please cc
***BSEP drops and withdrawals follow HOST institution academic calendar ONLY.***
For additional information, contact the BSEP coordinator by emailing the Goucher Registrar’s Office at
The Baltimore Student Exchange (BSEP) Program allows qualified students at Goucher to take undergraduate courses offered at other participating colleges in the area. The student’s credits and grades from the host institution are automatically transferred to Goucher at the end of the term during which the course was taken.
All the participating schools now publish their course selections online. Go to the host institution website for course listings. The BSEP is open to full-time sophomores, juniors, and first semester seniors registered on a full-time basis at the student’s home institution, provided the request is approved by the home institution BSEP coordinator. Seniors in their last semester are only able to take a BSEP course if there are no other options available, the other BSEP school agrees to allow a graduating senior into the course, and the course ends before Goucher's degree date for that term. Students may not under any circumstances, ask the instructor or the other school's administrators, to allow the student to finish the course earlier or have their final grades earlier than any other student in the course.
BSEP courses are only available during the fall and spring semesters. Students participating in the BSEP may not be part-time students. However, a BSEP course may be used to reach full-time status (a minimum of 12 credits). Students should make sure that the approved BSEP course does not enroll them over the credit limit (18 credits).
BSEP registration forms will be accepted through the end of the add/drop period at most host institutions. However, some institutions such Towson University will not accept BSEP enrollments after their first day of classes. Registration is by approval of the host institution and is not guaranteed.
Enrollment to BSEP courses are generally confirmed as follows; fall courses in August, spring courses in January. Students may take only two courses per year at another host institution. Students taking a foreign language not offered at Goucher will be required to submit a Foreign Language Agreement form (PDF) to the chair of the Modern Languages and Cultures academic program.
Courses offered at Goucher are not to be taken through the BSEP except when the Goucher course is not being offered during a specific semester. When a course is closed, some host institutions will allow Goucher students to be signed in over the cap. Consult Goucher’s BSEP coordinator in the Office of the Registrar for the procedure required by the institution.
Goucher students do not pay additional tuition for BSEP courses; however, they are responsible for fees and fines. Most schools will not release grades if there is an outstanding balance. Any exceptional charges must be paid directly to the host institution. Students driving to a host institution are responsible for obtaining a parking pass for that institution. Students need to take travel time into account when including a BSEP course in their schedule. Course time conflicts cannot be accommodated.
BSEP courses may not be taken pass/no pass, as an audit, or independent work. BSEP courses are treated as regular Goucher courses on the transcript. Credits will be calculated into the GPA.
Students are subject to the academic regulation of the host institution. Participating students are requested to acquaint themselves with both the academic and non-academic regulations of the host institution. These may include but are not limited to class attendance policies, deadlines for grading options, withdrawal deadlines, academic honor code, and final examination dates. Students who violate host institution academic policy regarding cheating and plagiarism are subject to the host institution's disciplinary procedures. The BSEP coordinator will notify the home institution of any incident, action taken, or appeal procedures. Further action is left to the discretion of the home institution (Goucher). Students charged with a violation of a host institution's code of conduct are subject to the host institution’s disciplinary policies and procedures.