Strengthen your mind and body. Learn from the best. We are open to the public!
"In 10 sessions you will feel a difference, in 20 sessions you will see a difference, and in 30 you will have a new body."
- Joseph Pilates
Developed by legendary physical trainer Joseph Pilates in the 1920s, Pilates teaches controlled movements using counter-resistance. Pilates is a full-body conditioning system of exercises that will help you look and feel your best. The focus is on core stabilization making you stronger from the inside out.
Our instructors use the techniques and methods designed by creator Joseph Pilates. They have the best outcomes— improving strength, flexibility, posture, and stamina. Our expertly trained, experienced Classical Pilates instructors will teach you to control the body.
Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with back pain, or simply want to be your healthiest, authentic Pilates can help you:
Our fully equipped studios feature Gratz equipment, the original manufacturer of Joseph Pilates' apparatus. In October 2011, Gratz featured the Pilates Center on their website.
We are located on the beautiful campus of Goucher College in the Decker Sports & Recreation Center (SRC). Mat classes take place in room 162, private apparatus and tower classes take place in room 102. Find directions to campus on our Location & Parking page.
Interested in becoming a certified instructor with Romana’s Pilates? The Pilates Center at Goucher College offers a 600 hour Teacher Training Program guided by a Level IV Romana's Pilates teacher trainer. Contact the Pilates Center director, Stephanie Lawson for more information.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions to find answers to all your questions. Find information on our cancellation policy, attire and more on our Pilates Center Guidelines page. Still have questions? Email us at
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